Sunday, January 20, 2013

The End is Near

Steve Jobs said it well when he said: "No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It's life's change agent; it clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now, the new is you. But someday, not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it's quite true. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice, heart, and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become."

Bad news kids. The results of my last bone marrow biopsy came back 10 days ago. The last round of chemo did very little good. The physicians don't believe more chemo will help. I've talked with Emily and decided to take Hydrea for now. Hydrea is a relatively weak chemo that will suppress my bone marrow, including my leukemia. If I'm lucky it will buy me a bit of time, perhaps 3 months. If I'm unlucky, I have 3 weeks or less.

Hydrea will require that I spend a good deal of time receiving blood transfusions, without bone marrow you don't produce any blood products for yourself.

For those of you not familiar with my thoughts on the situation I find myself in, feel free to read or re-read the document I posted in July of 2011. You can view it here:  link

The tragedy here isn't in my departure, it's the sense of grief and loss that my departure will instill in my wife, sons, and loved ones.  When my father died, six years ago, I sat around for a week exploring my feelings.  At the end of that week I had learned only one bit of wisdom, a single, short, sentence.  It will be alright.  That was it.  It will be alright.  There is no rhyme or reason to the passing of loved ones, it's simply something that will happen if you live long enough.  And the only real comfort to be taken is in knowing that it will be okay.  This is how the process has always worked.  It's okay, everything works out.  Life moves on, we adjust.  As long as you let it.
One day it's your turn.  Death is the most powerful reminder to cherish this strange bit of time we call life.  Truly, you should literally remember to stop and smell the roses.  Those you know and love won't be there forever, neither will you.  When the time comes for you or a loved one to pass, don't find yourself full of regret.

I have no personal regrets.  Everyone I love knows that I love them.  My friends know who they are.  My life has been rich and full of every type of emotion and experience one could hope to have, and plenty one might attempt to avoid.  I'm proud of my character, my choices, and who I know myself to be.  I have no enemies.  I harbor no hatred, generically or specifically.  I have friends of many races, both genders, and various sexual orientations.  I judge people by their integrity and little else.  I'm just the type of person I have always wanted to be.  I've lived the life I dreamed of and wanted.  I shared it with the people I loved.  I grew constantly, challenged myself endlessly, and enjoyed life so much more than I disliked it.

Emily has been the best and largest part of my life.  In any scenario I could imagine, and I do like to ponder alternate realities, I would always have wanted to spend as much of my life with her as I could've.  Managing to spend my life with Emily is my greatest achievement.  We've been sharing this life for 19 years.  Our time together contains all of the happiest moments of my life.  I can't imagine a life without her.  She is much more than my other half, she is my whole and everything.  She is my super power.  All the rest of it wouldn't have happened without her.  I am the man that I wanted to be because of her.  She is worth impressing.

I can imagine a better version of me.  But I don't like him.  We aren't supposed to be perfect, perfect is flawed and boring.  The rough edges define our character.  I'm carefully molded, rough edges and all.  Everyone I know is flawed.  I love the flaws, even the annoying flaws.  Humor exists only in flaws.  Humor is a hook to happiness, happiness is my purpose in life; having it and sharing it.  A better version of me wouldn't be happier than this version.  All of my favorite people seem to understand this idea, though none have articulated it.

Well, at this point I'm just dropping Ryan wisdom.  That's about all you'll be getting out of me from this point on.  I'm not even sure I'll ever post again, we shall see.  In the meantime, everyone be happy!  

The picture of the day: I'm smirking and Emily's eyes are closed but check out that dapper look Max is pulling off.  What a handsome little man.  2007 was a fun year. 


  1. Hi old friend,

    I have enjoyed catching up with you recently. I appreciate you taking the time to communicate with me and I am grateful for your friendship. I hope that you and your family will find peace. I will continue rooting for you and am hoping to see you again.


    1. You and Ryan made my formative years much more fun and entertaining than they would've otherwise been. I'm glad we were able to catch up with each other. You have a lovely family, keep up the good work.

  2. Emily is absolutely everything you described her as!! And you, Ryan, are one of my heros!! You two are my idols. Thank you for inspiring me to be happy. That is all that matters. I love you ♡♥♡

    1. I love you, Terri. Thank you for being there for me. I'll talk with you soon.

  3. Thanks for loving me and all my flaws :) Your post, as always, is beautifully written. Thanks for reminding me to find happiness and be myself. Love you Ryan.

    1. You are welcome :) Thank you for being there for us. Love, Ryan.

  4. Ryan thank you for helping me see things in a new and better brighter light. You have impacted me and my life in ways I can not describe. Even though you may be leaving this earth, you will never leave me. You will always be on my mind and forever in my heart! Thanks for letting me have the honor of being the only one in this whole world to get to call you my big brother! Love for always and know you are forever loved by your one and only little sister!

    1. I love you, Erin. I'm sorry you've had to deal with losing so much of your family at such a young age. You're very wise and I like your style. Thanks for being my spirited little sister. I'm proud of you.

  5. Ryan you are amazing the love you have for your wife is something I always wished I had in my life. You seem to be in good spirits and taking this day by day. Thanks for explaining what it meant to bend down and smell the roses Trevan was told that in a prayer once and I always wondered the meaning of that. Your a good writer and your family is just darling I well always remember you like I do your Beautiful Mother love you Ryan and may peace be with you and your family

    1. Thank you for cheering for me and my family all this time. It's helped to keep my spirits up. I hope the very best for you and your family. Thank you again. Love, Ryan

  6. I'm sure I have some annoying flaws, but I'm glad you find humor in them :) And I'm glad you've overlooked them enough to include us in your life! You are honestly one of my favorite people on the planet to talk to, so I'm more than a little bummed that our conversations are numbered. Here I am, trying to keep it light, while tears stream down my face . . . I just want to throw a good tantrum right now, even if it goes against your words of wisdom :) Just know that we love you & Em & the boys & will always be here for you & them.

    1. As for the tears, it's the same here. I try to keep it light in writing. It's been wonderful getting to know you and your family. It really is too bad there isn't more time for that. You are one of the most driven people I've ever met, and you have so much energy. I love that. It's fun just to see you go, even more fun to talk with you and learn what gets you going. Thank you for all that you've done for me and my family. Thank you for being there for Emily, she needs you. Love, Ryan

  7. Ryan,
    You are so calm, collected, and peaceful. Thank you for being a great example of cherishing life. You are an amazing writer and I appreciate being able to read your humor and wisdom. Please know that my family is thinking of you and praying for you, Emily and the boys.
    Cousin Rachel (Moulton)

    1. Thank you. It's been an interesting trip, this life. I'm glad for my Evans' lineage. They're a good group to have on your side.

  8. "Be will be alright". Great words of wisdom - I may have to add that to my tattoo. You truly are the strongest, most genuine, funniest guy i know, and the fullness of your life, ironically, induces jealousy. You, Emily, Max and Jonas are forever part of our family. I'm off to find a rose to smell...

    1. You and Christy induce similar jealousy. You two are crazy, healthy, and always out there doing something fun. Keep it up and I can keep living a fit and active life vicariously.

  9. Thanks for your thoughts, Ryan. You give great advice and I hope I get to hear more of your wisdom. You've given me lots of help over the years, thank you for taking the time to talk to me even when I was just a teenage girl who didn't know anything (not that I know much now but hopefully I'm a little less annoying :). I remember one late night conversation outside your house, the one in Orem by Big O Tires. The only thing I remember you telling me is that if I smiled at a boy he was going to think I liked him and that boys do not just want to be friends. Haha, so true. Well, hope to see you soon, love you.
